PLANTAR FASCIITIS PAIN RELIEF – Rossiter Stretching & Neural Reset Therapy

If you are lucky enough to have never encountered plantar fasciitis (PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis), either yourself or with a friend or family member, consider yourself fortunate. Current estimates are that 4-7% of the UK’s general and older population suffer from it making it a common condition for those in the 40-60yr age group (NICE, “Plantar fasciitis: how common is it?” revised March 2020, accessed 4th May 2022, In this article, I will introduce two new therapies in Norfolk that can help with plantar fasciitis pain relief.

To watch a loved one in pain with plantar fasciitis is uncomfortable but that is nothing compared to the pain of experiencing it. It can be hard to know what help is out there and what options are available to help relieve the pain.

My aim in this post is to give you some background on plantar fasciitis, the current guidelines and an alternative solution to the pain.

Plantar Fasciitis Pain

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

According to the NHS website (May 2022) Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition affecting the plantar fascia, in the sole of the foot, usually around the heel and arch of the foot.

Typically, the pain is worse:

· When you start walking after resting or first thing in the morning

· Pain reduces with exercise but returns after rest

· Moderate exercise can reduce the pain but with long periods of standing or walking the pain can become worse.

The Plantar Fascia involved in Plantar Fasciitis
The Plantar Fascia

What causes Plantar Fasciitis?

The exact cause of plantar fasciitis is poorly understood however it is thought that stress and repeated trauma to the plantar fascia can cause micro-tears. Then with repeated movement and trauma, these become irritated and inflamed.

According to the NHS website (, accessed 4th May 2022), some of the risk factors are:

· Aged 40-60 years old

· If you are overweight or obese

· Exercising on hard surfaces, such as running on roads

· Spending more time on your feet e.g. started running or spending more time standing

· Wearing shoes with poor cushioning or support like worn-out trainers

· Yight calf muscles or Achilles tendon

· Tight foot muscles

· Flat feet

What can I do to help relieve the pain of Plantar Fasciitis?

Usually, plantar fasciitis will resolve on its own, however, for some this can take months to happen and in the meantime, the pain can be debilitating. Treatment options are generally based on managing the symptoms and waiting for it to go.

Below are the suggestions for what can be done to help relieve the pain as recommended by NICE (Plantar fasciitis: Scenario: Management of plantar fasciitis, revised March 2020, accessed May 4th 2022, ):

· Consult the NHS website or your GP

· Rest, where possible

· Wear shoes with arch support and cushioned sole

· Avoid walking barefoot

· Lose weight

· An icepack (covered with a towel) can provide some relief

· Taking paracetamol

· Podiatrists and physiotherapists can help

· In extreme cases corticosteroid injections can be given

However, the title of this blog is ‘Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief – Rossiter Stretching and Neural Reset Therapy’ and you could have gotten all the information above from many other excellent websites, but you came looking for an alternative solution and, most importantly, you came to a Rossiter Stretching coach and Neural Reset Therapy practitioner.

Both Rossiter Stretching and Neural Reset Therapy, in my experience, are extremely useful aids in managing the symptoms and offering relief from the pain of plantar fasciitis and for some, they offer a complete fix.

How does Rossiter Stretching help in Plantar Fasciitis pain relief?

Rossiter Stretching is a form of myofascial stretching for more information on Rossiter Stretching Technique please check out our service for this or read our blog post What is Rossiter Stretching?

When looking at the common risk factors for plantar fasciitis, tight calf muscles and Achilles tendon feature along with tight foot muscles and flat feet. It is these risk factors that I work with to give relief from the pain of plantar fasciitis.

In Rossiter Stretching we look for the source or cause of the pain not just at the site of pain, these two things can be very different.

In the image below you can see how both the plantar fascia and the Achilles tendon are attached to the calcaneus or heel bone.

Side view of foot show plantar fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis from the side

This Achilles tendon then leads up to the Gastrocnemius or calf muscle.

The calf muscle and Achilles tendon for Rossiter Stretching in plantar fasciitis
The Calf and Achilles Tendon

In Rossiter Stretching we target the fascia around the calf muscle, working with you to stretch that tight muscle to give an alternative relief from the pain of plantar fasciitis.

Using the Rossiter Stretching system of Weight + Lock + Movement = Results, which for plantar fasciitis means pain relief and ability to walk.

1. Weight or compression is applied onto the specific area of the calf by the coach

2. Lock is you, the client, engaging the fascia, stretching into the feet

3. Movement is again you, the client, taking your foot/ankle in this case through a series of


All of this combines to give deep effective relief from the pain of plantar fasciitis. Results can be long lasting, and many clients have found that only 2 or 3 treatments are enough to allow them to get back to what they were doing before plantar fasciitis stopped them.

This makes Rossiter Stretching a real alternative for managing the symptoms and helping you get back to doing what you love sooner.

How does Neural Reset Therapy help in Plantar Fasciitis pain relief?

As with Rossiter Stretching detailed above Neural Reset Therapy works at the most common root of Plantar Fasciitis, that is tight muscles in the calf and around the the foot. However where Rossiter Stretching applies a direct compression and stretch technique Neural Reset Therapy releases the muscles more indirectly.

Neural Reset Therapy work to reset the communication between the brain and the mechanoreceptors in the muscles by introducing a range of movement patterns, not just stretch. This can work more effectively into the area of the calf of foot muscle that is holding or causing the pain.

Some clients find a combination approach with both Rossiter and Neural Reset Therapy can give the results they need others prefer one treatment over the other. This is where working with you, listening to your body is how I approach the two modalities to give you the best outcome possible.

Get in touch to see what I can do to help you relieve the pain of Plantar Fasciitis