How can I help you?
I know that no one pain relief therapy or treatment will suit everyone and each client has a unique set of circumstances that lead them to my door. However, the majority of my clients have 1 thing in common, they want to get out of pain, fast. They want to go back to doing what they love. For this reason I offer a few options, please take a moment to look through and get in touch if you have any questions or want to book

Neural Reset Therapy
NRT – a gentle but highly effective alternative pain relief therapy without drugs, surgery or injections for a range of pain and movement issues including migraines, fibromyalgia, neck and shoulder pain
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From £50

Rossiter Stretching
Rossiter Stretching – a drug free, non-surgical pain relief alternative for a range of structural pain and movement issues using myofascial stretching method highly effective for plantar fasciitis, back pain, carpal tunnel and RSI

Pilates Equipment Studio – private, 1:1 session using Pilates principles on Reformer, Tower, Wunda Chair, Pedi-Pole, Ladder Barrel and Mat
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£48 (packages available)