What Happens in a Neural Reset Therapy Session?
As you are reading this I am guessing your interest in Neural Reset Therapy is piqued (or you’ve already booked a session) and you have an idea about how it works if not have a look at ‘What Is Neural…

A new way to relieve back pain

How Clare got running again: a look at a new option for plantar fasciitis treatment.
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition affecting the plantar fascia, in the sole of the foot, usually around the heel and arch of the foot. Although relatively common in the general population, due to the repetitive nature of running and…

Alternative Help for Back Pain
There are more options than you think. Back Pain…aahh!! Pain killers, osteopath, chiropractor, physiotherapy or surgery …that’s it? …right? …Wrong! Great News…there are more alternatives to help your back pain. Back pain is one of the most common conditions with…

5 things to know about Rossiter Stretching- the fast pain relief technique you control.
Rossiter Stretching is a two-person stretching technique that can offer fast drug free pain relief with improved mobility, circulation, and sensation. It is classed as an exercise and is a form of myofascial release. This For more information on how…